Haiti Bioscience at UDERS-Hinche this Fall

Just a quick update.

We have been extremely busy working on the initiative. Since the pilot launch last May, our work have been focused on scaling up the idea.

In order to make the bioscience education initiative a reality in Haiti, for the past twelve months, we have been working on grants proposal, networking at scientific conferences, and more recently setting up to launch a full scale program at Universite Notre Dame Haiti- Hinche this upcoming Fall.

Events have taken place very quickly as far as bringing the initiative to Hinche in the Central Plateau of Haiti. The way it happens is really a strike of luck and being at the right place at the right time.

We will have a more formal post about how the program was funded and supported to make it happen in Hinche at a more convenient time in the near future, but for now we want to give a special Thanks to the fellows at McKenna Technical Institute (MTI) based in Virginia, who did not need much convincing to understand that a bioscience education for Haitian youth is not only innovative, but also a necessity for Haiti's development.

We are grateful to have them as an official supporter of the initiative.

As we wait to hear about our Haiti Water Initiative grant proposal in mid-July, we will continue to work in finalizing the bioscience curriculum and also to start a full public relation campaign in Haiti this summer.

Stay posted for more info in the days a head.






miniPCR and Haitian Bioscience Initiative bring new science to Haiti

Our mission is to bring DNA science to more people in more places. That’s why we’ve designed miniPCR to be portable, affordable, and travel well.

miniPCR’s most recent destination has been Haiti, where it joined the pilot of the Haitian Bioscience Initiative between May 26th and 30th, 2014. The initiative seeks to train young Haitians in basic scientific laboratory techniques that can be helpful in environmental and water/food safety testing, including PCR.

American and Haitian educators well-versed in laboratory work implemented a pilot program consisting of hands-on learning experiences related to public health issues and prevention in Haiti. Courses were imparted by visiting bioscience instructors teamed with Haitian interpreters to deliver environmental monitoring techniques to small groups of students. Students were a selected group of post-secondary or emerging secondary teachers identified by existing Haitian educational institutions.

By all accounts, this was a fruitful and promising pilot that we are proud to have helped support. We look forward to fostering deeper ties with the Haitian bioscience education community.

We would like to especially thank Ilio Durandis and Prof. Jim DeKloe for enabling this collaborative project.

Below we post some pictures of hands-on molecular bio learning sessions in Haiti.


See link for more

Instruction to Vote


Follow these step by step instructions to vote. It only takes about 2 minutes, and will mean $10,000 worth of funding for our work!


STEP 1: Click the following link to open the projects page (and then return here to follow the rest of the instructions): http://projects.kindsnacks.com/project/the-haitian-bioscience-initiative/

STEP 2: After opening the projects page, click on the blue “Log In” link (next to the words “
Already have a project?“) and log in to Facebook.


TEP 3: Once you have logged in to Facebook, scroll down to find and click on Roots of Development’s project page.


STEP 4: Once you have gotten to our project page, click on the blue button that says “Vote with a Kind Act”


STEP 5: Then click on the pop-up window to like KIND on facebook. Another pop-up window will appear to let you choose a kind act to help register your vote for our project. Choose any kind act, make it a fun one!

STEP 6: THIS NEXT AND FINAL STEP IS REALLY IMPORTANT! After you have voted, the pop-up below will appear. If you click on each of the three buttons to share on your facebook page, on your twitter page and via email…you can earn us three extra v…

STEP 6: THIS NEXT AND FINAL STEP IS REALLY IMPORTANT! After you have voted, the pop-up below will appear. If you click on each of the three buttons to share on your facebook page, on your twitter page and via email…you can earn us three extra votes!! 


You will know that all your votes have counted when you see the screen below: 

You will know that all your votes have counted when you see the screen below:


With your help we can win this…thanks for your vote and for spreading the word!

With your help we can win this…thanks for your vote and for spreading the word!

N.B.This blog is modification from the one written for Roots of Development. org

Haitian Bioscience Initiative


Recent events and natural disasters have challenged the population of Haiti with learning to meet their own basic needs for safe water and adequate sanitation.  What we want to do is to bring an understanding of water testing, and environmental monitoring to the citizens of rural Haiti.  Native Haitians can easily learn to assess water-quality by using field-testing kits.  With minimal funding, we will bring these kits to rural Haitian citizens and demonstrate their use.  Working hand-in-hand with the local population, this initiative will make significant inroads towards self-sufficiency for Haitians.


Teachers well-versed in laboratory work will implement a pilot program consisting of short-term, targeted, hands-on learning experiences surrounding environmental monitoring as it relates to health in Haiti.  The program will consist of visiting bioscience instructors teamed with Haitian interpreters delivering environmental monitoring techniques to small groups of students.  These pilot sessions will be 5-days long and accommodate 12 to 15 students in each some of Haiti’s rural locations.   Students are post-secondary or emerging secondary teachers identified by existing Haitian educational institutions.

Students will be engaged in water sample collection, testing and interpretation of the results.  Kits utilized for field-testing of samples will be used. This activity will be coupled with identification of water-borne pathogens and other contaminants.  Students develop routine quality assessment schedules and if necessary, remediation techniques to be implemented on site.

Students will be introduced to the human microbiome project via ubiome kits, and utilize the platform of Labster for virtual laboratory experience.


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